30 terrific reasons to adopt a cat

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June marks the beginning of Adopt-A-Cat-Month, and what better way to celebrate than to share 30 different reasons why adopting a cat is a terrific choice. each day we will be adding a new reason, so be sure to check back typically or be sure to follow our Adopt-A-Cat Pinterest Board!

Also, feel totally free to share some of your own reasons for adopting a cat!

Reason #1:

Cats keep themselves well-groomed and practically never need a bath.

Reason #2:

You’ll always have something to post online.

Reason #3:

They keep you entertained with their funny antics and acrobatics.

Reason #4:

Cats are experts at relaxing… no need to walk them!

Reason #5:

Cats don’t need much space so they’re ideal for house dwellers.

Reason #6:

A cuddly cat can help keep you warm.

Reason #7:

Cats are natural exterminators that catch insects and mice keeping your home pest-free!

Reason #8:

Their whiskers tickle

Reason #9:

They are easily entertained with easy toys

Reason #10:

Cats are independent… no need to rush home and take them for a walk.

Reason #11:

Cats are mysterious and will always keep you on your toes.

Reason #12:

You’ll help save a life.

Reason #13:

Cats are full of personality.

Reason #14:

A cat makes a house a home.

Reason #15:

They love to cuddle.

Reason #16:

A cat’s purr is soothing.

Reason #17:

They are the most popular pet in the US

Reason #18:

Cats are skillful sleepers.

Reason #19:

Cats don’t have a sweet tooth so you don’t have to worry about sharing your dessert.

Reason #20:

They are carefully clean creatures.

Reason #21:

They instinctively know how to use the litter box.

Reason #22:

They are quiet (hint: They won’t disrupt your neighbors).

Reason #23:

Cats appreciate easy pleasures

Reason #24:

Cats are beautiful.

Reason #25:

A soft, warm cat in your lap creates instant relaxation.

Reason #26:

It’s easy traveling with a cat (in a proper carrier).

Reason #27:

They love unconditionally.

Reason #28:

Petting a cat can lower blood pressure.

Reason #29:

Cats are terrific companions.

Reason #30:

Cats are awesome!

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