Harley, stop That!

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You  know, living with a maniac like my brother Harley can try my patience. I know that young boy just wants to have fun, but in some cases he really ruins my good Times.  but guess what? I think I have found the answer to my problem with this stuff called stop That! It is a “behavior adjustment spray.”

It is expected to be an easy way to stop unwanted behaviors.  Hmmm, that sounds like just the ticket! The spray  makes a hissing sound (much louder than I can make), and it releases a good behavior pheromone. let me sniff… it has a lavender-chamomile fragrance. Pretty!

Harley!? I’m armed and ready for you now!

I can see Harley is already thinking about causing some trouble…

Harley, look what I have!

My work here is done.

Stop That! you’re my hero.  I love you.

One of the great things about this spray is that after using it a couple of times, just the sight of the little spray can is enough to stop Harley from acting up. and guess what? We have a couple of them that you can try out yourself. just leave a comment here and we’ll pick two random winners tomorrow morning. good luck!

UPDATE: Congratulations to Forty Paws and Barbara Beaver, the winners of our random drawing. We’ll send you an email concerning claiming your prize.

cat Behavior

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