How to remove Ticks Off Your Pet

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Removing ticks from our animals correctly is very essential in the prevention of numerous tick transmitted diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky mountain found Fever and Ehrlichiosis.   the most common mistake animal guardians make in removing ticks is not removing the whole tick by either attempting to twist the burrowed tick out of the skin and/or leaving in the tick head.

For tick removal, I first instruct clients to hold a cotton ball immersed in mineral oil against the tick for up to one minute. using tweezers or special tick removal products such as Resultix tick spray, it is best to then get the skin that surrounds the tick, trying to get its head.  Try to avoid the tick’s body. In one stable motion and without jerking, it is then best to pull firmly and steadily directly outward.   Twisting typically leaves the head behind.  the most common mistake made is squashing the tick, which may result in the transmission of disease causing bacteria into a pet’s bloodstream.

Removing the tick with bare fingers is also not recommended due to the risk of disease transmission into the animal guardian.   Burning the tick with a match also ought to not be used.  After removing the tick, placing it in a glass of rubbing alcohol will often kill it.  It is not unusual to see a bump or mild skin reaction after removing a tick, which can be treated with topical antibiotics and/or hydrocortisone.  Of course the best prevention of tick transmitted disease to our animals and/or us is to use a good effective tick control measure such as topical tick preventatives Frontline plus or K9 Advantix II.


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